Please read before you sign up

A deposit or full payment and completed registration form (by mail) will reserve a place for you on a photo workshop, masterclass, adventure or tour. Fees are quoted in Euro and must be paid in Euro or US dollars only. Full payment is due prior to departure date. If final payment is not received when due, we reserve the right to treat your reservation as canceled, as if in writing, as per our cancellation and refunds policy, below.

Each photo workshop, masterclass, adventure or tour has its own itinerary, final payment due dates and price structure, detailing what is included and what is not included in the fee. These details are on the individual photo workshop, masterclass, adventure or tour description page. You agree that you have read and understood these details, along with the general terms.

Cancellation fees are not transferable and no refunds are made for unused or missed portions or services of a photo workshop, masterclass, adventure or tour for any reason whatsoever. You must notify us in writing of your withdrawal and cancellation. All notifications must be made via email. The date we receive your email notification will be used as the date you gave your notice to cancel, at which time the following fees (plus any transaction fees; credit card company fees, etc.) will apply:

· 60 days or more prior to photo workshop, masterclass, adventure or tour start date will be subject to a 100% per person fee

· 59 to 30 days prior to the start date will be subject to a 50% per person fee

· 0 to 29 days prior to workshop there will be No Refund

If a registered participant switches from one photo workshop, masterclass, adventure or tour to a photo workshop, masterclass, adventure or tour. on a later date, the cancellation policy dates are still calculated from the departure date of the originally booked photo workshop, masterclass, adventure or tour.

Joerg Alexander Reichardt reserves the right to cancel any photo workshop, masterclass, adventure or tour, at any time prior to the start date, in which case a full refund of all funds will be given. However, Joerg Alexander Reichardt is not responsible for any expenses such as, but not limited too, non-refundable air tickets, hotel deposits, etc.

Joerg Alexander Reichardt has the right to substitute a trip leader/teacher with someone of equal or similar credentials, at any time prior to the trip departure date. If such a change is necessary, you will be notified immediately. However, such a change will not be deemed sufficient grounds for a refund other than stated in the cancellation policy. Additionally, at our discretion we also have the option to cancel photo workshop, masterclass, adventure or tour any time prior to the departure date for any reason, such as low enrollment. In case of such a cancellation a full refund of all funds paid will be given. However, Joerg Alexander Reichardt is not responsible for any expenses such as, but not limited too, non-refundable air tickets, hotel deposits, etc.

All photo workshop, masterclasses, adventure or tour are limited to a small number of participants in order to ensure adequate teaching time in the field. The maximum number of participants are listed under the photo adventures or tours details section.

To enjoy the photo workshop, masterclass, adventure or tour as intended, a minimum level of fitness is required. The activities are within the capabilities of people in good health. But prepare yourself to walk lots (bring comfortable shoes). By registering for this photo workshop, masterclass, adventure or tour  ​you certify that you do not have any physical limitation or other condition that would create a risk for yourself or other participants. We reserve the right to decline to accept anyone that he considers unsuitable due to fitness level. We also reserve the right to remove from the trip, at the participant’s own expense, anyone whose condition is such that it could create a hazard to them-self or others, or otherwise impact the enjoyment of other participants on the trip. If you have concerns about your own capabilities and/or fitness as it relates to a trip, please contact us before reserving a space.

You will be responsible for studying all pre-trip information; for bringing all photographic equipment, personal items and appropriate clothing; for acting in a manner considerate of fellow participants, environments, and locations. Any participation in an illegal event and/or activity during the workshop, masterclass, adventurer tour gives just cause to immediately terminate your participation in the photo workshop, masterclass, adventure or tour with no refund. Joerg Alexander Reichardt reserves the right at our discretion to accept, decline to accept, or remove any participant on a photo workshop, masterclass, adventure or tour.

You understand that while itineraries are carefully planned, they are not a guaranteed schedule of activities, events, or participation. There may be situations beyond our control due to weather, geography, natural history, cultural events, governmental restrictions or other situations that will cause changes in timing, locations, and activities. Joerg Alexander Reichardt reserves the right to make any changes in the published itinerary whenever, in Joerg Alexander Reichardt judgment, conditions warrant, or if he deems it necessary for the comfort, convenience, or safety of participants. You understand that any of these changes are not sufficient reason for partial or complete refund.

Joerg Alexander Reichardt reserves the right to take photographs/video of workshop, masterclass, adventurer or tour participants during the workshop, masterclass, adventurer tour and to use them in connection with the advertising and promotion of future workshop, masterclass, adventurer or tour.

Your registration serves as a release of liability of Joerg Alexander Reichardt and/or any cooperating agents/partners and a complete assumption of all risks. We will assume no liability for losses or additional expenses due to any act, error, omission, injury, illness, loss, delay, mishap, or damage to persons or property arising from any cause or expenses thereof associated with workshop/trip participation or in transit thereto or therefrom. The participant needs to sign a waiver of liability and hold harmless agreement on arrival at the mandatory introduction meeting to waive any claim against Joerg Alexander Reichardt and/or any cooperating agents/partners for any such loss, damage, injury, or death. You further agree that if you are injured or become ill, we, may, at your cost, arrange or supply medical treatment, evacuation or any other emergency services on your behalf as we deem necessary or appropriate for your safety and wellbeing.

Any vaccinations, airline reservations, insurance, visa requirements (not included in the trip), and all other travel or medically related arrangements, etc., are the final responsibility of the participant. The supplier/outfitter and/or hotel(s) of all workshop, masterclass, adventurer or tour is subject to change without notice or compensation at our discretion.

You are responsible for ensuring that you have the proper travel documents including visa medical insurance). International travellers and US citizens traveling outside their country of origin are required to carry a passport, valid for six months beyond your departure date and should also have sufficient blank pages for visa and immigration stamps.

We cannot be held responsible should you be denied entry to a country due to non-compliance with these requirements. All trips to Cuba comply with current laws and regulations.

Participants are responsible for ensuring all necessary documentation is current and valid.

If for any reason you are late arriving to a photo workshop, masterclass, adventure or tour, it will be your responsibility to meet up with the group. You will be expected to arrange and pay for your own way until you catch up with the group.

Single accommodations are available for a supplemental cost; please see individual photo workshop, masterclass, adventure or tour page for details. Should you wish to share a room and we cannot find someone on the trip for you to share a room with, you will be required to pay the single room supplement.

Visitors to Cuba must have proof of valid medical insurance. We recommend you also buy refundable air ticket or travel insurance. A camera equipment insurance can be useful, too. Insurance is not included in the workshop, masterclass, adventurer or tour cost.

Specific requests such as adjacent or connecting rooms, roommate gender or special dietary needs should be advised at time of registration. Every effort will be made to secure your special requests. However we cannot guarantee that all requirements will be met and have no liability to you if they are not met.

Please check with your international carrier or travel agency for luggage details as weight restrictions on some routes on air flights may apply also ask about baggage restrictions applicable to your international flights.

Photo workshop, masterclass, adventure or tour prices include the handling of two pieces of baggage per person at the destination. Baggage and personal effects are handled the at owner’s risk throughout the travel program.

Any claim or dispute in connection with this Agreement shall be submitted to Joerg Alexander Reichardt. Any award shall provide for the payment of reasonable attorney’s fees, costs and disbursements to the prevailing party and a judgment thereon may be entered by the appropriate court Berlin, Germany. This Agreement shall be construed, interpreted and German Law. The municipal court of the city of Berlin, Germany, will have complete and absolute jurisdiction regarding any legal action.

You agree that no oral representations, statements or other inducements apart from the foregoing written above have been made. This Agreement sets forth our entire understanding and may not be modified except in writing. By registering for a photo adventurer or tour, you agree that you are 18 years or age or older, and that you have carefully read, fully understand and agree to all the contents of the Terms and Conditions listed above. All Terms and Conditions are subject to change without notice.
